Thursday, August 16, 2012

Are You Awesome?

Well...not you yourself...of course, you are awesome...

But is your marketing awesome?  

Are you engaging your online audience with sizzling, relevant content?

Are you consistently presenting them with an awesome digital experience on every type of screen and device they want to use?

Are you leveraging video and multimedia to improve engagement, lengthen sessions, and tell more compelling stories?

Today - buyers are making 80% of their decisions before they ever talk to a salesperson.  And they keep searching, chatting, testing, and exploring at every stage of the buying cycle.  With a tablet or smartphone in hand,
your customers are constantly comparing you to every other option and competitor in the market - right up to signing a purchase order, clicking the buy button, or stepping up to a cashier - and then forever after. 


To win in today's markets, you must present an awesome digital presence on every
channel, on every screen, on every site - ALL THE TIME. 

And you can't control what others say, write, pod, vblog, or rate you on

Presenting a comprehensive, consistent, effective digital presence is hard...

So are you?  

Awesome, that is?

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